Starting Your Driver Intervention Program

Where You Stand At This Point

You've had your license taken away and have gone to court.  You have two suspensions at this point.  Let's say that it's a 1st Offense DWI, or RSA 265-A:18, in which case they are:
  • the administrative (Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles) suspension is 6 months; and,
  • the criminal court suspension is 9 months.
The will run concurrently, unless you refused a BAC test, in which case they run consecutively.

Driver Intervention Programs

The criminal court suspension will require that you enter and successfully complete a relevant driver intervention program before you get your license back.  If you enroll within 45 days they'll reduce your criminal court suspension significantly, usually 3 months.  For a 1st Offense DWI, you need to enroll in either the Weekend Impaired Driver Intervention Program (WIDIP) or the Impaired Driver Intervention Program (IDIP).  Each consists of 20 hours of instruction.  The WIDIP is a residential program lasting from Friday night to Sunday afternoon, and costs $585.  The IDIP is a 22 hour course that meets twice a week for 3 hours a night, for 3 weeks, and costs $460.  If this is your second DUI, you will either take the Phase II (if they were spaced a long time apart) or the MOP courses.

You have to take your course at the facility closest to your residence or place of work.  For me, this meant Amethyst Foundation, Inc. or REAP.  I chose Amethyst.  Most of you will also likely go to Amethyst Foundation or REAP.

This is from the Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles Website:
Alcohol Intervention/Education Programs

  • Impaired Driver Intervention Program (IDIP) or Weekend Impaired Driver Intervention Programs (WIDIP)
  • Phase II Programs for the Repeat First Offender
  • The Multiple Offender Program (MOP) for Second or Subsequent Offenders
  • 28 Day Residential Treatment Programs
  • Community Alcohol Information Program (CAIP) (Provides: IDIP, WIDIP, and Phase II)
    119 North Main Street
    Boscawen, NH 03303
    PO Box 8507
    Penacook NH 03303-8507
    Phone: 603-753-8181 or 1-800-660-4246
    Fax: 603-753-4422
  • Court Referral Program (Provides: IDIP)
    103 Roxbury Street, Suite 206
    Keene NH 03247
    Phone: 603-352-0800
    Fax: 603-352-1699
  • Friendship House (Provides: 28 Day Residential)
    Route 302
    Bethlehem, NH 03574
    Phone: 603-869-2210
  • Serenity Place (REAP) (Provides: IDIP, Phase II, and MOP)
    93 Manchester Street
    Manchester NH 03101
    PO Box 1477
    Manchester NH 03105
    Phone: 603-625-4528
    Fax: 603-625-6982
  • Southeastern NH Alcohol & Drug Abuse Services (Provides: IDIP and MOP)
    272 County Farm Road
    Dover NH 03820
    Phone: 603-516-8160
    Fax: 603-749-3983
  • The Farnum Center (Provides: 28 Day Residential)
    235 Hanover Street
    Manchester NH 03104
    Phone: 603-622-3020 exts 10 or 33
  • Tri-County Community Action Program (Provides: IDIP, WIDIP, Phase II, and MOP)
    PO Box 659
    Berlin NH 03570
    Phone: 603-752-7941
    Fax: 603-752-7832
The New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules (He-A 700), and the New Hampshire Statutes (RSA 265-A:39 and RSA 265-A:42) describe everything about these programs.  Print these out and read them so that you understand everything relevant to the program you are enrolling in!

Once you enroll, be sure that a copy of your enrollment documents are mailed to the New Hampshire Circuit Court where you were convicted, so that they will reduce your sentence.

What "Successful Completion" Means

You must "successfully complete" your intervention program.  So just attend class and be on your best behavior, right?  No.

He-A 702 contains the definitions used in He-A Chapter 700.  The definitions are always at the beginning of each chapter and they often mean something different than a normal person would think.
He-A 702 (ao) "Successful completion" means "successful completion" as defined in RSA 265-A:42, II and III and RSA 265-A18, VII(c)."
RSA 265-A18, VII(c) states:
"Successful completion'' means meeting further counseling requirements, if any, arising out of the final evaluation given to the offender at the I.D.I.P. or the M.O.P. or its equivalent; provided, however, that the offender shall have the right to a hearing before the commissioner or designee, who shall determine whether the further counseling requirements arising out of the final evaluation are warranted and appropriate, and whether the offender should be eligible for license restoration.  The definition in this subparagraph shall also apply to RSA 265-A:42.
 RSA 265-A:42, II:
For the purposes of this section, "successful completion'' means meeting further counseling requirements, if any, arising out of the final evaluation given to the offender at the I.D.I.P. or the M.O.P. or its equivalent; provided, however, that the offender shall have the right to a hearing before the commissioner or designee, who shall determine whether the further counseling requirements arising out of the final evaluation are warranted and appropriate, and whether the offender should be eligible for license restoration.
Administrative rule He-A 704.05  "Attendance and Completion Requirements," states:
(a)  Pursuant to RSA 265-A:42, V(a), a client shall be presumed to have successfully completed an IDIP or WIDIP if he or she has met the following requirements:
   (1)  Attendance at all class sessions, with active participation in discussions and assessments,  and completion of exercises, tests, and all required forms;
   (2)  Completion of the scheduled exit evaluation and assessment interview; and
   (3)  Payment in full of all assessed program and administrative fees.
(b)  The presumption in (a) shall be overcome by the provider if the LADC     conducting the exit evaluation and assessment interview issues a positive finding for alcohol or other drug abuse and/or dependence and requires the client to comply with further counseling requirements before the program is considered to have been successfully completed. 
 Isn't that sneaky?  After the classes, you are not done if the LADC conducting the exit evaluation and assessment interview issues a positive finding for alcohol or other drug abuse and/or dependence.  In that case they can ask you to do "further counseling requirements" or "aftercare."  Aftercare may be significant and require more than a year to finish, until which you will not get your license back.

What Constitutes A "Positive Finding" Which Will Trigger Aftercare?

The guidelines for what constitutes a positive finding are in He-A 707.12 (c):
He-A 707.12  Exit Evaluation and Assessment Interview.

          (c)  The LADC conducting the exit evaluation and assessment interview shall issue a positive finding, thus overcoming the presumption of successful completion described in He-A 704.05(a), if any of the following exists:

(1)  The client’s diagnostic test scores indicate alcohol or drug abuse or dependence, as follows:
a.  The client’s DRI-II alcohol or drug scale score is at the 60th percentile or greater;
b.  The client’s DRI-II truthfulness scale score is at the 90th percentile or greater; or
c.  The client’s RIASI score is 10 or greater;
(2)  The client is age 21 or over and had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.16 or higher at the time of arrest;
(3)  The client has 2 or more alcohol or drug-related motor vehicle arrests or convictions;
(4)  The client is under the age of 21 and had a BAC of 0.08 or higher at the time of arrest; or
(5)  The client meets diagnostic criteria for alcohol or other substance abuse and/or dependence in accordance with the most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder (currently the DSM-IV).
If you scored positive for any of the 5 items above (there are really 8), you will get assigned aftercare.  You will have to see a LADC counselor, attend AA meetings, and abstain completely from alcohol or any mood-altering substance.  Aftercare may last over a year.

Several points:
  • The people at Amethyst Foundation were absolutely incompetent at every aspect of their job.  (Probably because of long term alcohol use and the pro-belief/anti-intellectual philosophy they espouse as AA'ers.)  Beware!  Keep copies of all your paperwork.  Get everything in writing.
  • The LADCs there are shockingly incompetent and ignorant about science, interpreting diagnostic test scores, the law, etc...  Never, ever, follow their advice.  Pretend that you are impressed with their knowledge--their insecurity feeds off of that.  
  • Never show that you have an independent thought.  Say and do as little as possible, because they will use whatever they can get against you to justify more aftercare.  
  • The amount of aftercare is discretionary.  If the LADC dislikes you, he/she can, once they have a positive finding, dump a ton of aftercare on you.
  • The LADCs there think that they are on a mission to punish you for the betterment of society.  They are on a huge ego trip.  Don't fight it--it will only make it worse on you.
  •  The recovery industry feeds off of itself.  Expect the LADC to order as part of your aftercare counseling with another LADC.  Insurance will not cover this (unless they are also Licensed Mental Health Counselors, which 99.9% are not because they only have high school/GED educations).
Items (2), (3), and (4) are straightforward.  If you are under 21, you are screwed--aftercare is mandatory if your BAC was at or above .08.  This explains all the teenagers I see in AA.  Mothers Against Drunk Driving is going after "underage" drinking very, very hard.  MADD actively opposes any consumption of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21, even when not associated in any way with driving.  Item (3) is arguably unconstitutional because merely being arrested of an alcohol- or drug-related motor vehicle violation is not an indication of guilt.

Item (5) is meeting the DSM-IV criteria for alcohol or substance abuse or dependence.  You will be assessed for this during the courses.  Without telling you that the questions are related to the DSM-IV criteria, or their impact on your aftercare, the LADC teaching the course will have you answer them.  WATCH OUT!  The LADC I had did not ask the questions exactly as phrased by the DSM-IV and most people ended up being diagnosed incorrectly as alcohol dependent or abusers.  When the LADC hands you out a questionnaire with these questions be very, very careful.
DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Alcohol Dependence
A maladaptive pattern of alcohol use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by three or more of the following seven criteria, occurring at any time in the same 12-month period:
1.       Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a)      A need for markedly increased amounts of alcohol to achieve intoxication or desired effect.
b)      Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of alcohol.
2.       Withdrawal, as defined by either of the following:
a)      The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for alcohol (refer to DSM-IV for further details).
b)      Alcohol is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
3.       Alcohol is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended.
4.       There is a persistent desire or there are unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol use.
5.       A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain alcohol, use alcohol or recover from its effects.
6.       Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of alcohol use.
7.       Alcohol use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the alcohol (e.g., continued drinking despite recognition that an ulcer was made worse by alcohol consumption).
DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Alcohol Abuse 
1. A maladaptive pattern of alcohol abuse leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by one or more of the following, occurring within a 12-month period:
a)      Recurrent alcohol use resulting in failure to fulfil major role obligations at work, school, or home (e.g., repeated absences or poor work performance related to substance use; substance-related absences, suspensions or expulsions from school; or neglect of children or household).
b)      Recurrent alcohol use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g., driving an automobile or operating a machine).
c)      Recurrent alcohol-related legal problems (e.g., arrests for alcohol-related disorderly conduct).
d)      Continued alcohol use despite persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the alcohol (e.g., arguments with spouse about consequences of intoxication or physical fights).
2. These symptoms must never have met the criteria for alcohol dependence.

References:  DSM-IV. American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC.
Item (1) contains three criteria, meeting any one will require aftercare.  Two are DRI-II scores.  The third is your RIASI score.  These two diagnostic tests will be administered to you during you one hour intake interview with the agency providing your W/IDIP.

 The DRI-II AND RIASI Diagnostic Tests

If you score high on these two diagnostic tests, you will be assigned aftercare.  What are these?

First, the DRI-II.  According to the company that designs and sells it, Behavior Data Systems, Ltd.:
The Driver Risk Inventory-II, or DRI-II, was designed specifically for DUI/DWI offender assessment. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reviewed all major DUI/DWI offender tests and rated the DRI-II as the best. NHTSA is the highest federal authority in the DUI field. The DRI-II assesses offender truthfulness, quantifies alcohol and drug abuse severity, classifies substance abuse/dependency according to DSM-IV criteria, measures stress handling abilities and determines driver risk. The DRI-II has impressive reliability, validity and accuracy.


The Driver Risk Inventory-II, or DRI-II, is a brief, easily administered and automated (computer-scored and interpreted) DUI/DWI offender screening instrument or test. The DRI-II contains six scales that measure client truthfulness, driver risk, stress coping abilities, alcohol abuse severity and drug abuse severity while concurrently classifying offenders as substance abusers or substance dependent in accordance with DSM-IV criteria.

Six Driver Risk Inventory-II Scales

The DRI-II contains 6 separate scales (or measures) that are standardized on the DUI/DWI offender population. These include:

Truthfulness Scale: Measures how truthful the offender was while completing the DRI-II. It detects denial and identifies attempts to try and fake good.

Alcohol Scale: Measures alcohol (beer, wine and other liquor) use and abuse. This scale measures the severity of alcohol abuse while identifying alcohol-related problems.

Drugs Scale: Measures the severity of illicit drug (marijuana, crack, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates and heroin) use and abuse while identifying drug-related problems.    

Substance Abuse/Dependency Scale: Utilizes DSM-IV criteria to classify substance abuse or substance dependency. Substance (alcohol and other drugs) users are classified with DSM-IV criteria.    
Driver Risk Scale: Measures driver risk independent of substance (alcohol or other drugs) use or abuse. Some people are simply dangerous drivers.  

Stress Coping Abilities Scale: Measures one's ability to cope effectively with stress. Stress exacerbates symptoms of emotional and mental health problems.

The DRI-II assesses attitudes and behaviors, yielding a DUI/DWI offender profile. Paper-pencil or on-screen test administration takes 25 minutes to complete, and tests are computer-scored with reports printed on-site within 2 ½ minutes.

The DRI-II was developed specifically for DUI/DWI offender evaluation. It is much more than just another alcohol or drug test; consequently, the DRI-II measures important behaviors missed by other tests.

Driver Risk Inventory-II Test Booklet

DRI-II test booklets are provided free. These booklets contain 140 items (84 true/false, 56 multiple choice). This booklet is written at a high 5th grade to a low 6th grade level. If a person can read the newspaper, they can read the DRI-II. It takes 25 minutes, on average, for DUI/DWI offenders to complete the test. DRI-II test booklets are available in both English and Spanish.

                 "Over one million DUI/DWI offenders in the DRI Database"

Driver Risk Inventory-II Reports

In brief, DRI-II reports summarize the DUI/DWI offender's self-reported court history, explain what attained scores mean and offer specific score-related recommendations.

Within 2½ minutes from test data entry, automated (computer-generated) 3-page reports are printed on-site. These reports summarize a lot of information in an easily understood format. For example, these reports include a DRI-II profile (graph), which summarizes DUI/DWI offender findings at a glance. Also included are attained scale scores, an explanation of what each score means and specific score-related recommendations.

Significant items (direct admissions) are highlighted, and answers to the built-in interview (the last sequence of multiple choice items) are presented. Emphasis has been placed on having meaningful reports that are helpful and easily understood.

To go directly to the example DRI-II report, click on the DRI-II Report link.
Wow!  That sounds like a great test, doesn't it?  The problem is that there is almost zero peer-review of the DRI-II test.  There have been only two studies of the DRI-II by independent researchers and those were seriously flawed.  All the other studies were done by Behavior Data Systems, Ltd.  In fact, Behavior Data Systems collects all DRI-II data and refuses to share it.  The passage above is just a sales pitch.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reviewed the DRI-II test in the exhaustive, rigorous study, "Review of screening instruments and procedures for evaluating driving while intoxicated/impaired (DWI) offenders."  (Chang, et al., 2002).  The authors state that the DRI-II "has not been sufficiently validated," and do not recommend using it for that reason.

Next, the RIASI test.  This is short for "Research Institute on Addiction Self Inventory."  It's a 52 question, paper and pencil, 15 minute test developed in 1997 which supposedly predicts the likelihood of recidivism.

The Baldwin Research Institute, while conducting a study of the NY State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS), had this to say about the RIASI test:
Individuals who are charged with a DWI are also required to have medical evaluations. After placement in a Drunk Driving Program an assessment tool (RIASI) is used to evaluate the seriousness of the client’s problem. The problem with this evaluation tool is that it is an inaccurate measure of a substance abuse problem. After contacting Tom Nochajski from the University of Buffalo, one of the creators of the RIASI test, my office obtained a copy of the test and the accompanying research information backing up its efficacy and information pertaining to how it’s administered. After handing out the RIASI to 9 employees of Baldwin Research Institute, Inc. and tallying the results not a single person passed. What makes this result completely erroneous is that, to date, not a single person who took the test uses drugs or drinks and not a single person passed the test. Failing the tests is an indication that substance abuse treatment is necessary.
The RIASI is not very specific.  Most people score as substance abusers.

How To Not Flunk The Assessments

How to interact with the LADCs

(Note:  most of this material is from the excellent site, DUI School Truth, by "1lastdui." It's an excellent site and I have posted it on my blogroll.)

The LADC should be a trained interviewer that looks for clues that you are being untruthful or a Substance Abuser during your “Alcohol Assessment” or “Substance Abuse” interview. This causes problems because you may be telling the truth but you are acting like you are not. The best way to avoid this is to know what they look for from people who are being untruthful. You must be prepared for the interview so that they do not determine you untruthful and in need of intensive rehab. Below is a list of the things they look for to determine if you need intensive rehab.

1. Being on time. They note if you are on time or not. If you are late they take this as meaning that your life is unmanageable and you are having trouble coping. To the councilor this is a sign that you are an alcoholic or substance abuser in need of intensive rehab.

2. Appearance. They note this in the paperwork they send to the Court, Probation and the DMV . You should be clean shaven and in your best clothes and shoes and refreshed. If you are not, you may be having trouble coping with Substance Abuse and and in need of intensive rehab.

3. Eye contact. If you look away from them often this is a sign that you are being untruthful and need to have a “time out” to think up an untruthful answer. If you to roll your eyes or look up to the right or left may be lying.

4. Posture. When you sit in the chair if you fidget in the chair, slouch or cross your arms or legs, this is a sign that you are trying to protect yourself and may be being untruthful.

5. Hand gestures. If you touch your mouth or face during the interview it is taken as a defensive measure to protect yourself and you are being untruthful.

6. Detailed answers. If you give long elaborate answers it will be taken that you have thought the answers out before hand and are prepared to be untruthful.

7. Tell tale answers. The councilor will believe that you are untruthful if you use any of the following statements:
I know it sounds bad but …
It is hard to believe but …
Not really …

8. Being nervous and talking to fast or slow. Nervousness always means that you are hiding something and afraid the councilor is going to find out. If you talk to fast it could mean that you have been practicing the answers. If you talk to slow it may be because that you need extra time to come up with a good untruthful answer.

9. How you act after you think the interview is over. The interview is not over until you actually leave the room and on your way home. The councilor is looking for you to sigh and stretch out in your chair. This is a sign that you have let your guard down and that you were hiding something they did not find.  They will ask you if you have any questions and then follow it with a long period of silence. They are expecting you to make a mistake at this time and mention a question that you have may been untruthful about.

Look for these subtle questions on the DRI-II, RIASI, and any other material you encounter:

These questions are designed to see if you have been untruthful on other questions and if you are an alcoholic or abuse drugs. They are asking you about Substance Abuse tendencies and the questions and answers for someone that does not need extended rehab are shown below. They are looking for signs of Substance Abuse that are not outwardly apparent.  Below is a list of questions and the answers that someone who does not need intensive rehab would give (If you answer them differently you may want to seek further treatment):
1. Do you smoke? The answer is NO because the majority of all Substance Abusers smoke and it is determined as a sign that you have a problem with Substance Abuse. If you smoke occasionally (About a pack a week) this question may be dismissed in the interview. The councilor will also be noting your teeth and hands for signs of nicotine stains.

2. Have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure? The answer is NO. Again the majority of substance abusers have high blood pressure.

3. Do you ever sweat uncontrollably at night? The answer to this is NO. These are called night sweats and substance abusers in need of intensive treatment have this problem.

4. Do you have diarrhea during the month? The answer to this is NO. Many substance abusers have diarrhea because of substance abuse.

5. Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease or been tested for one? The answer to this is NO. Substance abusers are known to have unprotected sex at times. If you say that you have been tested for a sexually transmitted disease they will think that you have been doing risky sex due to substance abuse. They may require you to have an HIV test and go to HIV avoidance classes.

6. Have you ever been diagnosed as depressed? The answer is NO. Again the majority of alcoholics in need of intensive treatment have been or need to be treated for depression.

7. Was anyone in your family an alcoholic or a substance abuser? The answer to this is NO. Many psychologists believe that substance abuse is inherited and if you have a relative that is a substance abuser you could have gotten it from them.

8. Have you ever taken anti-depressants? The answer to this is NO. This is also a subtle question to see if you answered question 6 truthfully.

9. Do you have trouble sleeping at night? The answer to this is NO. Substance abusers have trouble sleeping at night and often use this as an excuse to abuse substances to excess. They have no way of verifying this unless you tell them.

10. Do you have migraines? The answer is NO. DUI councilors see these as hangovers and a reason for the Substance Abuser to use substances to excess.

11. Do you sometimes speed in your car? The answer is NO. DUI councilors believe that substance abuse lowers your inhibitions and causes you to do risky behavior.

12. Do you get angry or upset easily? The answer is NO. Substance abusers have a tendency of getting angry and upset easily.

13. Is anyone in your family or a close friend a member of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotic Anonymous? The answer is NO.

14. Do you have to take more of less alcohol or drugs to get the same effect? The answer is NEITHER. If you are abusing a substance you build up a tolerance to it and it takes more each time you use it. If you have abstained for a while you may have to take less to get the same effect.

15. How many of your friends use alcohol or drugs regularly? This may be asked in various forms. The answer is always less than 25% if for alcohol and at or as close to 0% for drugs. If you socialize with people who drink or do drugs, than you most likely have the same tendencies.

16. Have you and your Spouse been talking about Divorce? The answer is NO. The councilors believe that if you and your Spouse are talking about Divorce, there is a good chance that it is Substance Abuse related.

17. Do you have any chronic illnesses? The answer to this is NO. If you have a chronic illness they will see this as a reason to self medicate yourself.

18. Do you have many close friends? The answer to this is MANY. Councilors believe that when you are a Substance Abuser you will loose all of your friends slowly and will become alone.

19. Do you have any Hobbies? The answer to this is MANY. It is believed that the Substance Abuser looses all interest in hobbies and just wants to abuse Substances.

20. Have you ever taken these types of Assessment Tests before or ever studied about them? The answer to this is NO. If you have taken these tests before it means that you have been at least assessed for substance abuse problem in the past and are most likely re-offending. If you have studied about these tests, there is a good chance that you are going to be untruthful with your answers.

Other Signs of Substance Abuse the LADCs Will Look For:

When you are talking to the LADCs they are making mental notes about the signs of Substance Abuse tendencies that you are giving them. If you admit to or act like some of these signs, you may be a problem Substance Abuser in need of extended or enhanced treatment and monitoring.  They only find out about these traits by asking and observing you, and most of the time have no way to verify any of the signs they report . Below is an fairly exhaustive list of the traits they look for:
1. Arrives at meetings or appointments under the influence.
2. Talks about getting drunk or high during class. Knows the lingo of people typical of having a drinking or drug problem.
3. Frequently goes off the wagon after attempts to stop.
4. Behaves in a impulsive or inappropriate manner.
5. Is seen as angry or defiant.
6. Over reacts to ordinary circumstances involving criticism or advice.
7. Is secretive about what they do.
8. Takes risks and acts in a reckless manner.
9. Breaks or bends rules and believes they are above the law.
10. Has financial problems.
11. Has increasing legal problems.
12. Makes inappropriate or unreasonable choices.
13. Has difficulty retaining eye contact.
14. Experiences sleep disturbances.
15. Has deteriorating personal hygiene.
16. Has chronic illnesses requiring doctor or hospital visits.
17. Has wide mood swings.
18. Has difficulty with schedules.
19. Makes many complaints or grievances.
20. Uses excessive sick time.
21. Is frequently tardy.
22. Hostile, disrespectful, untruthful, and uncooperative.
23. Withdrawn, depressed, tired, careless, or manipulative.
24. Having financial, work, school and/or family struggles because of drinking.
25. Has relatives who are heavy drinkers, alcoholics, AA or NA members or do illegal drugs regularly.
26. Has friends who are heavy drinkers, alcoholics, AA or NA members or that do illegal drugs regularly.
27. Frequents bars and night clubs or places where excessive alcohol or drugs are used.
28. Has lost all interest in hobbies.
29. Has ever been diagnosed as depressed, bipolar, or with any other psychological problem.
30. Has ever been put on anti-depressant, anti-psychotic or mood stabilizer drugs.
31. Has built up a high tolerance and has to take more alcohol or drugs to get the same effect.
32. Has been on the “wagon” for a while and needs very little alcohol or drugs to get the same effect.
33. A large number (above 25%) of their friends drink alcohol regularly.
34. Has friends who do illegal drugs on a regular basis.

Final Advice 
Keep a low profile.  Say and do as little as possible.  Be polite.  The DRI-II and RIASI tests, and the LADCs, will ask subtle questions that try to get you to reveal that you are a substance abuser.  Be on the look out for them.  The LADCs are on a punish you.  They will lie, try to gain your trust, only to hurt you.  Never, ever trust them.  They will dig, and dig, and dig, for any admission from you that they will then use against you.  They are stupid, mean, spiteful, and incredibly judgmental.  They are on a crusade to punish every drinker they encounter.


    1. Am researching information on the myriad of "tests" given to my fiance during the weekend program at the Amethyst Foundation.While the DMV did not require him to complete the "habitual offender" program -the Amethyst Foundation listed him as a candidate for after care for "two or more alcohol related arrests or convictions" 17 and 14 years ago.He has not drank in two years, even when his father,step-father and ex-father -in-law died, all within a three month period.He underwent major surgery for cancer and never finished any of his prescriptions for pain killers yet they classified him as a drug user and self medicating alcoholic.
      I plan on contacting a lawyer.Besides the time,energy and money "after-care" will require, I do not want such rediculous falsities on his record.These programs are obviously a money making venture for the businesses involved.Interestingly,Amethyst "Foundation" is an L.L.C.

    2. That sounds par for the course.

      Keep me informed as to whether he is ordered to attend "self help" meetings. This is now illegal in NH and Amethyst Foundation has been repeatedly warned by the state.

      1. Does "self help" include AA and if so, do you have further information/documentation? It would be very much appreciated.

      2. Self help includes AA. In fact, AA is the only self help group available in the entire state of NH.

        Amethyst loves to state, "you are free to attend any self help meetings you wish," knowing full well there's no alternative to AA. (When I told them this, they merely repeated "you are free to attend any self hep meetings you wish," with a sly, sadistic grin on their faces.

    3. do they do a drug test?

      1. The court decides that and only they may authorize Amethyst Foundation, Inc., to administer them. Refuse if they don't have court or parole board authorization.

    4. I was pulled for DUI in NH at a State Police checkpoint and wondering if I can complete the IDIP program BEFORE I go to court to show I am being proactive. Can't find any information on that. Also, do I have to reveal that I have a prior DUI in California from 12 years ago? Thanks- very informative article, wish my friend had seen this before he went through the program and got assigned 20 sessions of "aftercare".

      1. You cannot enter the IDIP program without court papers ordering it.

        You must reveal to the Court, if asked, whether or not you've had prior DUIs.

        If Amethyst then asks you about prior DUI's, tell them to refer to the court documents. It is not their role to ask such questions as an administrative agency and they are not authorized by law to do so.

        Note: this should not be construed, relied on, or serve as a substitute for, legal advice by a licensed attorney.

    5. Thanks for this Article, I really appreciate the time you put into publishing this.

    6. Wow!!! Very helpful thanks

    7. Hi. Any info on Southeast NH Services? How tough are they there.
