The RIASI test--I Bet You Didn't Know You Were An Alcoholic/Substance Abuser.

The RIASI Test

During your one hour intake interview you will take the DRI-II and RIASI tests, which supposedly assess your abuse/dependence on alcohol/drugs. 

The DRI-II:  In my last post I wrote that there are essentially no peer review studies of the DRI-II test.  All but two of the many studies of the DRI-II were done by the company that sells the test, Behavior Data Systems, Inc., which is like the tobacco companies publishing studies telling you that smoking cigarettes is good for you.  (The two peer review studies had severely faulty methodology and are of little value.)  But, since it's computerized and automatically scored, it's good for the lazy people that work at places like Amethyst Foundation, Inc.  Also, the phony veneer of scientific respectability pushed by the marketing people at Behavior Data Systems is easily bought by the intellectually and scientifically naive, uncritical people at Amethyst.  These people simply decide to "believe" things, whereupon they become fact--like the "effectiveness" of AA despite multiple rigorous scientific studies that show it is of zero value.  Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of the DRI-II to post, but I'm working on it.

The RIASI:  This test is a joke and I can't believe it's still being used.  Essentially, everyone, if they answer honestly, will score as an alcoholic or drug abuser.  Below is a complete copy, with the answers they are looking for:

                                                                                                 HOW YOU SHOULD

T  F  1.  I smoke or use tobacco products.*                                                  False
T  F  2.  I have no problem telling a companion that he or she has done
                 something to hurt my feelings.*                                                   True
T  F  3.  I often feel so restless I can't sit still.                                                False
T  F  4.  When I drink 7 or more drinks, I become aggressive.                        False
T  F  5.  I like people who are sharp and witty even though they may
                  sometimes hurt other peoples' feelings.*                                     False
T  F  6.  When the alcohol runs out, I leave the party.                                    False
T  F  7.  When I make plans I am almost certain to make them work.             False
T  F  8.  I have relatives who have had problems with alcohol or drugs.            False
T  F  9.  I have been arrested for crimes other than drinking and driving.*         False
T  F  10.  My hand often shakes when I try to do something.                          False
T  F  11.  I am irritated a lot more than people are aware of.                           False
T  F  12.  Since the age of 18, I have been accidentally cut, or cut in a fight
                or burned badly enough to leave scar.                                           False
T  F  13.  A family member was arrested for drinking and driving.*                  False
T  F  14.  When I don't get my own way, I sulk or pout.                                 False
T  F  15.  I slow down when a traffic light turns yellow.                                   True
T  F  16.  I often feel like a powder keg ready to explode.                              False
T  F  17.  When I have a problem, I try to make it go away by drinking.          False
T  F  18.  I have no trouble sleeping or staying awake.*                                 True
T  F  19.  I sometimes do dangerous or risky things just for fun.                     False
T  F  20.  I have experienced a major stressful life event in the past .           
               12 months.                                                                                  False
T  F  21.  I feel like I have lived the right kind of life.*                                      True
T  F  22.  It is easy for me to turn down an unreasonable request
               from a friend.                                                                                True
T  F  23.  I have feelings that something bad will happen to me.                      False
T  F  24.  I feel like I have lost energy.  I am fatigued and tired.                       False
T  F  25.  I often have feelings of nervousness.                                               False
T  F  26.  I often feel sad or blue.                                                                  False
T  F  27.  A drink or two gives me energy to get started.                                 False
T  F  28.  I am probably not capable of slapping someone, even when I lose
               my temper.*                                                                                 True
T  F  29.  When I get beyond a certain point, I don't stop drinking until all the
                booze is gone or I pass out.                                                         False
T  F  30.  I don't like to break Rules, even when I think they are wrong.            True
T  F  31.  I hardly ever drink more than I plan to.*                                           True
T  F  32.  I am not interested in surprising or upsetting others by doing
               something that might shock them.                                                  True
T  F  33.  It depresses me that I did not do more for my parents.                     False
T  F  34.  I like to gamble for money.                                                              False
T  F  35.  After 7 or more drinks, I feel happier.                                              False
T  F  36.  I often acted without thinking as a child.                                          False
T  F  37.  I was referred for a liver test, or a blood test for liver enzymes.*        False
T  F  38.  Since the age of 18, I have needed emergency treatment for an
                injury of some kind.                                                                      False
T  F  39.  I skipped school as a kid.*                                                             False
T  F  40.  When I am drinking, I make sure I do not skip any meals.                True
T  F  41.  I often feel hopeless about the future.                                              False

___  42.  In the past five (5) years, how many jobs have you had?                    One
___  43.  How many traffic tickets for moving violations have you ever
               received (i.e. speeding, running a red light or a stop sign)?                One
___  44.  How much money do you usually spend on alcohol a week?
               Include the cost of drinking at home, at friends' or relatives'
               houses, and in bars and restaurants.                                               Nothing
___  45.  If you go out drinking, how many places do you drink at in
               one evening?  Include friends' and relatives' homes, as well
               as bars and restaurant.                                                                   Zero
___  46.  What is the largest number of drinks you ever consumed in a
                24-hour period?  (One drink is a 12 once beer, or a one ounce
                shot of liquor, or one mixed drink, or a 4 ounce glass of wine,
                or a 12 ounce wine cooler.)*                                                          Two
___  47.  How many days of the week do you usually drink?  If you
               drink less than once a week, please write 1.*                                   Zero
___  48.  When you are drinking, how many drinks do you usually have?*         One
___  49.  How many drinks does it take before you begin to feel the
               effects of alcohol?*                                                                        One

Listed below are a few statements about our relationship with others.  Please CIRCLE the number that indicates how much each statement is TRUE or FALSE for you.

Definitely  Mostly   Don't   Mostly  Definitely
    True       True    Know   False      False
       1           2           3         4            5

50.  I am always courteous, even to people who are disagreeable.               Circle 1
51.  I sometimes feel resentful when I don't get my way.                             Circle 5
52.  No matter who I'm talking to, I'm always a good listener.                      Circle 1

You will be given two scores:  A Total Score, and a Recidivism Score.  Your recidivism score will be based on those questions with asterisks after them.  These are all "subtle question" types--questions that don't outwardly appear to be asking about alcohol or substance abuse.  Therefore, be careful about how you answer these questions.

These tests are designed so that everyone can take them, and for ease of grading.  So they are written at the 4-5th grade level, every answer is True or False or a number, and the subtle questions are indicated with asterisks.  The asterisks will be visible on your exams--we can't have the LADCs doing any extra work like copying, etc...  (Remember, these people are lazy and stupid.  Copier technology is too much to ask them to deal with.)

Looking at the questions, it's no wonder everyone scores as a substance abuser.  Look at this subtle (asterisked) question:

"I have no problem telling a companion that he or she has done something to hurt my feelings.*"

If you answer False to this, you're an alcoholic.  Imagine, if you're a man, sitting at the bar having a drink with your friend Chuck, saying to him, "Gosh, Chuck.  When you said said my shirt looked gay, it hurt my feelings."  Well, to not score as an alcoholic, you have to be hypersensitive and have no problems whining about it.

I like this one, too, another subtle one:

"I like people who are sharp and witty even though they may sometimes hurt other peoples' feelings.*"

Answer True and your an alcoholic.  Most forms of comedy (parody, satire, etc...) are going to hurt someone's feelings.  Provocative ideas and opinions are likely to hurt people's feelings.  I like Triumph the Comic Insult Dog and Christopher Hitchens, so I guess I'm a hardcore alcoholic.  How stupid.

I also liked:

"I often acted without thinking as a child."

Answer True = alcoholic.  To the genius psychologist who designed this test:  CHILDREN ARE BY NATURE IMPULSIVE.  Look it up in your Psychology 101 textbook, idiot.


  1. I took a shorter version of this test last week and because of my answers I now need to go for further evaluation. WTF?? I may have to go for treatment depending on what this new evaluation shows. Help!

  2. You've got to lie. Everyone tests as a substance/alcohol abuser with the RIASI test. It's designed that way.

    Now, the DRI-II, you've got to be careful with. This has an "honesty" scale that tests your consistency from test to test, and from question to question within the same test. So lie, as usual, but lie consistently with the DRI-II.

    If you fail the RIASI, you WILL go for treatment.

    These people are not looking to help you. They are looking to punish you by making you jump through as many hoops as possible. They relish making you suffer.

    So, pretend you are an angel who, except for the night of your dui stop, never had a drink or illicit substance, ever. This is the only way to get a "passing" score on this b.s. test.

    Good luck!

  3. you have TRUE for using tobacco products.... is that correct?
    also #47 you said I shouls say ZERO even though they tell me to put a "1"
    #45 if you go out to drink how many places do you drink? ZERO? it says if you go out to drink... does that mean i can NEVER go out to drink?
    and lastly, how much do i spend in a week on alcohol? nothing... really?? come on
    thanks for your help

  4. Anonymous, that is INCORRECT. You should answer FALSE to using tobacco products. Sorry about that--I've corrected it.

    All the other answers are correct. The RIASI does not measure honesty like the DRI-II claims to. It is a simplistic test--keep your answers accordingly simple.

    See "DUI Truth School" under Helpful Blogs on the right.

  5. i will..... my "evaluation" is friday afternoon... wish me luck

  6. Anonymous: Be very meek and appear grateful for "all their help." They love this.

    Show any willfulness, pride, or free-thinking and you will get hammered. Say and do as little as possible. Dress and groom neatly.

    Be a little angel...and lie like hell on the RIASI. On the DRI-II, just make sure that your lies are consistent with your first DRI-II assessment.

    Good luck. Your goal is to slip out of their vindictive clutches.

  7. it was rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon 3:45PM Not showing willfilness or free-thinking for me is going to be a tough one. I'm not sure what tests I will be taking tomorrow. Hopefully they do not have the answers on the RIASI that I took that got me into this mess in the first place. I will report back in and let you know how it went.

  8. so far, so good. they didn't make me take the RIASI over again, just asked me a bunch of questions after my piss test. Going back again to finish up. looking good for no treatment program :-)

  9. From what she told me, I'm not an alcoholic and won't have to go for further treatment!! Yeah!! I had to go back a second time a couple of days later to finish the hour and a half ish questioning. Second co-pay , and second urine test. hopefully taking my last DDP class tomorrow and then I'll get my license back. Hopefully to never go thru this again.

  10. "From what she told me, I'm not an alcoholic and won't have to go for further treatment!! Yeah!!"

    Wow! That's great! Keep it up.

    I have absolute contempt for their supposed "expert opinions" at this point. The LADCs I've met have been some of the most stupid people I've ever encountered.

    You know...they don't deal with the main issue, which is: drinking AND DRIVING. It's perfectly legal to drink! Whether or not you have a drinking problem is none of their business. It's getting behind the wheel after drinking that is what their business should be.

    New Hampshire is supposedly this libertarian, "Live Free or Die" state. What a freakin' joke. I've never lived in a state with such a paternalistic, righteous, nosy government. And I've lived in the South. What hypocrites.

    Religious zealots are running Amethyst Foundation, Inc. They want you to stop drinking entirely, because they disapprove of it on moral grounds. They're not concerned about driving.

    1. i thought the exact same thing last night at my class... they are over-extending their reach. whether or not i have a drinking problem is not the issue but that's what these questions, and subsequent answers, are looking for!

  11. Did not know about this test, not via the Internet or Lawyer, you'd think your lawyer would know about this? Anyway, I took the test in the 1st class and scored a '2', a score of 10 or more and you went on to be evaluated. The evaluation must be done at a State approved ARC. Better to get an evaluation before anything plays out, preferably 2.

  12. I used the answers given here for the RIASI test and was not referred for further evaluation.
    Thank you Atheos!
    In New York it's cut an dry, fail the RIASI and you go for evaluation.
    Trust these answers they did me right.

  13. i definitely "lied" on some of my answers because i quickly determined they were looking for both consitancy AND inconsistancy.
    as a scientist, i deal in absolute standards but people are not absolute. we are ALL, at different times, ALL different things! we are not always this or that. i felt bad for the folks that weren't "aware" enough to answer these questions with what they want.

  14. Is there mandatory urine testing for all incoming participants?

  15. For first offense DWI offenders, no. Repeat...I'm not sure. I don't see any mention of that in the NH administrative rules but the judge might have the discretion to order one. It should be in writing.

    This is a good question and I will have to research it.

  16. What BS, im sure we can all agree the aim needs to be to stop drunk driving and not to fix the issue of people drinking or people who say true to the question "I like to gamble for money." I'll bet money thats not on the Nevada DDP course test lol....

    perfect example of trying to take an extremely subjective thing objective and its all about money.... I am appalled that the state could use such a bogus, antique, subjective thing to justify requiring more of an already heavily penalized offense.

    Im against drunk driving, i've lost friends to it in the past, and personally I made a mistake and take responsibility for my actions but that doesnt mean I deserve to have my rights violated. My right to a sensible punishment for my crime..... at this point I wish I just had to spend a month in jail vs spending all this money and being subjected to all this crap. People keep driving drunk so this punishment isn't fixing the problem- look at the Swiss (ALMOST 0 Drunk driving incidents but sensible firm punishments)

    Myself am a first time NYS DWI Offender heres a summary of my costs so far....$2500 for a lawyer, 600 in court fees $750 for REQUIRED driver responsibility assessment, $50 for REQUIRED dwi impact panel( which I have no problem with), $225 for REQUIRED DDP class and now there trying to squeeze another $1000 out of you for a Substance abuse assessment. $2500 for a lawyer you think the least they could do is warn you about this stupid test.

    its 2013 someone needs to do something about this.... no one wants to make getting a DWI easier but something like this brings the whole process down. They just use this test to justify the substance abuse class and get more money out of people and say "here you got 11 so sorry". I love the comment someone had that said its about drunk driving not about being a drunk.

    Last thing Ill say.. A lady at the DWI impact panel who lost her son said, " I dont care if you drink just dont drive" where does the state get the balls to put something like this into place and how does it get changed?

  17. I have a copy of the DRI II if you still need it.

    1. I would love that! Please email to:

  18. can anyone post or share the DRI-II questions/answers?

  19. Sit back and enjoy the was charged with two aggravated DUI's and a regular DUI. I had a total of 4-four
    shot's in the course of four and a half hours (4.5hrs). I was arrested after leaving my place of employment an hour and a half later, going in the opposite direction to my home. When I was vehicle was on the side of of road the keys were on the floor and I had my dog with me! I had almost a thousand dollars in cash on me at the time of arrest and at the time of my release I was asked "do you have the $40.00 for your bail?" My response was "you have my pocketbook & you know I have almost a thousand in cash"! Nothing in my possession was recorded. The next morning I went to work. I called the police station to find my vehicle...I worked from 10 am - 4 pm. that day. First I went to to the Emergency room to have my BAL tested...there was no alcohol in my system! I then called the police department to find out where I could pick up my vehicle. They had no clue where it was. I found it across from the police station. It was trashed, it was not the way I left it! According to my police report I was released to two different people...

  20. I, like what seems to be most people "failed" the riasi and have to go for an evaluation. Can anyone suggest a good provider for the albany/saratoga county of New York.

  21. How is this constitutional? How is this legal? Have people tried harder to expose these companies and their sleazy revenue schemes?

  22. I regret I didn't find this article until after the screws had already started turning. I answered the test truthfully in class and promptly found myself referred to 16 weeks of outpatient treatment in NJ. The counselor can't even describe the premise under which I'm required to be there, simply regurgitate her hours and fees. I want to argue with her about the legitimacy of her practice and involvement in the state racket, but I'm concerned that simply proves I'm an "aggressive" individual in need of the state fucking with my life further to correct my outrage at their intrusion. As a NJ resident I can tell you the gambling question is in the test. I regret answering yes.

  23. I rarely drink (holidays/special occasions). It just so happens I was going to bed after taking some Nyquil and amoxicillin (for strep) when a friend asked me to celebrate her new job. Since I have very little disposable income, she offered to buy the beer. We had one full drink, then split one, but didn't finish the one we split (this all happened in about an hour). We then took a walk and she wanted to stop in another bar. Within a few minutes we were bored and decided to leave (we probably took about two sips each from the beer we shared, which was 3/4 full when we left). After getting in the car (mind you I had Nyquil, amoxicillin, and about 2 beers) we drove down the road only to be stopped by the cops. I was not swerving, nor riding the yellow line, but "supposedly" they saw me on a cell phone, which was actually my friend on her phone managing Pandora. After smelling alcohol they made me do the road test and arrested me. After all this I got my DWI reduced to a DWAI and ended up paying around $2,660: DMV fines ($875), the court fines ($560), my lawyer (who is luckily a family friend and charged me 1/3 her normal price $1,000) and for the DDP program ($225). This is my first offense and I couldn't believe the judge when he sentenced me to the DDP. I am in no need of supposed "help" and I'm not a fan of alcohol in any form. I decided to research the Drinking Driver Program and stumbled across this blog. I am very thankful for whoever decided to put this up, and must say YOU’RE COMPLETELY CORRECT! All they want to do is punish you and hold their ability to abuse their authority over your head. They start off by explaining the program and subtly mentioning that you may have to go for further “evaluation” if you score over a 10 on the RIASI test. Now, I know that in the above text they tell you that there will be asterisks on the test, but there were none on mine. Thankfully I had read this before my first class, so I was prepared. Funny thing is, all those answers provided are exactly what I would have put even without reading the article, so I figured no worries. Upon collecting the test, the instructor, who I may say is NOT a people person, reviewed each individual’s exam. When she came to me she told me that I could NOT write a “0” in the field that asked “how many drinks do you drink per week. If it is less than once a week, put a 1.” I told her I rarely drink and in front of the whole class she talked to me like I was an idiot, saying “you’re in the drinking driver program.” And I was so annoyed I quickly said “yeah, yeah I get it.” Then, where it asked “how much do you spend on alcohol a week?” I put “$0” because I’ve never bought an alcoholic drink in my life!!!! She told me I couldn’t write that and said that you have to include drinks that were bought for you. I told her I had no clue what the girl paid, but she started walking away as I was talking. THIS IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS SITUATION I HAVE EVER BEEN IN! I was pretty much told to lie by my instructor. I have my next class on the 30th and hope that I don’t have to go in for further evaluation. I’m just astonished at what the government can do to you without your consent. I’m shocked at how they empty out your pockets with no concern for you, just for raking in the profit. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP OR CHANGE. The punishment should fit the crime. The class is something I understand, but not how it is conducted nor who runs it. I had called the director of my specific program weeks before it started, and never received a call back. They want your money and to abuse their authority. I can guarantee that these bias people think everyone in there is a bunch of low-lifes who drink till dawn and have no care in the world. After I complete this course and get my license back, you can bet my bottom dollar (cause that’s all I will have left) that I will be contacting the director and the number given to you to report an instructor’s misconduct! Although douche-bags protect douche-bags, so I don’t know how much difference it will make.
